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Перевод Примеры
ЗрИтели вИдят большую часть игрЫ // Люди, наблюдающие за собЫтиями, составлЯют себе более полную картИну происходящего, чем её непосредственные участники.

"I'd very much 1ike to hear your views." "Mine?" she said with an air of distaste. "They can't possibly Ье of the smallest he1p, I'm afraid. I am a1ways а comp1ete onlooker at Ancreton. And p1ease don't tell me the onlooker sees most of the game. ln this instance, she sees as 1itt1e as possiЬie." (Marsh)

А child, after аll, knows most of the game-it is on1y an attitude to it that he lacks. Не is quite we11 aware of cowardice, shame, deception, disappointment. (Greene)

"I know He1ena," I said. "I know her as 1 know myse1f, and I know the way she thought about you, God he1p her." "The onlooker ," said Fie1d, "sees surprilingly little of the game if he happens to bе in the back row. Why shou1d you know everything? I am telling you, and you may believe it or not, that He1ena asked me to marry her." (Johnson)